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The Daily Blog

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Help a friend...

So my friend got a response to her personal ad today, that I just had to share with everyone:

You sound like such a dominating bitch, I want this and I want that, I'm not sure why I am writing you. I guess because our interests match up so good. If your still intersted and if I'm still interested you can email me at rich@sweezey.com

Maybe opposites do attract.

Anyone up for signing him up to every gay porn spam site you can find?? Muhahahahahahahaaha....

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Andy Kaufman Returns?

So I ran across this blog today "Andy Kaufman Returns" and found it all very humorous. I don't buy it for a minute, but you have to admit the gag is pretty good. Just wonder how long he'll keep it up before he gets bored and disappears.

I dropped an email to Wil Wheaton, thinking he'd find it interesting. Here was his response:

Hey [Jester],

I stood on my roof and shouted, "Shennannigans!" when I heard this earlier today. I think it's been debunked.

Good scam, though.


I'm not sure which is funnier.. the guy claiming to be Andy Kaufman, or the mental image I have of Wil standing on his roof shouting "Shennannigans!" Ok, that's not true. I know which is funnier. Wil, by far.

Hello! That works pretty damn well. One-click photo publishing to your blog is here now. Check it out! Posted by Hello

The logo for my new band... what do you think? Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 13, 2004


I don't mean to shout, but it's official. The general public are IDIOTS. How else can you explain La Toya London's dismissal from American Idol? It's not even right.

And it's not that I'm the biggest fan in the world, frankly, I think Fantasia should win the competition for exuding so much personality. However, La Toya has the best voice, incredible stage presence, and I'm certain will be 10X the recording artist that Fantasia is. At any rate, this was not her week to go home. Jasmine is a fine artist for her age, give her a few years and she could be a great performer. Diana is already a great performer, but I think America is trying to get away from the blonde spunky girls (in the vein of Kelly Clarkson)...

I don't think the show is rigged, personally... what I think is actually happening is viewer complacency...

1) the finalists from all of the previous episodes either have a record deal, or have gone on to some sort of entertainment career... viewers think, so what if they don't win, we'll still get an album out of them. (While we're on the subject, check out my "What's Hot" page for a link to Kimberley Locke's new album, it's fantastic!)

2) There is the belief that everyone else is voting for the contestants, so what's the point.. they already have enough to win. I think that's what we saw happen with Jennifer Hudson, and I think that's a strong possibility here, as well.

3) There's an innate human desire to root for the underdog. Jasmine's tearfest last night when getting rightfully criticized by the judges was probably just the ticket for scoring the sympathy vote.

4) Simon dissed Hawaii, and you know how the Hawaiians get!

I'll close for the moment... but I'm shaking my angry fist at the sky and screaming "Why!? Why!?"

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Ouch my head hurts

I'm battling some nasty allergies this week. My eyes swelled shut suddenly last night. Very strange. I had to pry them open to get my contacts out. No, I didn't rub shrimp in them.

I've spent almost the entire day and evening, hell it's midnight... I can't believe it.... I"ve been working on my business plan since about noon. I'm getting close!

The math is killing me. I hate math. I hate having to try and estimate what I think MIGHT possibly, perhaps be a good estimate for monthly sales. How am I supposed to know? I've done all the research I can and now I just have to guess. Still. It hurts.

On that note, I'm off to bed finally. I've barely seen Unclemonkeyboy tonight. He's learning the guitar and has been glued to the video cassette lessons... I'm out in the office trying to get a monitor tan. I don't think it's working.

*yawn* g'night.

Monday, May 10, 2004

What's Hot!

In honor of all the changes that Blogger has made, I've updated the look of my blog as well! I was having some trouble with the What's Hot section on the last template, so I've made a new page on my website that works well... I'll add my recommendations for books, music, and movies to that site whenever the urge strikes me... Check it out at: What's Hot!!!

Enjoy. :)

Screaming Queens Drag Entertainment

Ok... This is simply BRILLIANT!!! Screaming Queens Drag Entertainment

I can't stop laughing at this :

He doesn't know she is a he. What I want to see is a photo of this guy at the exact moment he realizes that she has a little 'extra' to offer.

I love this quote from the founder of the company, Alex Heimberg, aka Miss Understood:
"I met people like Iggy, a who painted his face white, embellished it with Austrian Crystals, and sang Marlene Dietrich songs. I met Winona, a beautiful blonde gogo 'girl' who had created extra eyes on her face from false eyelashes and magazine cutouts. They called her 'Goldie Hawn From Outer Space' Then there was Princess Diandra who would get all done up and strut down the aisles at Diana Ross concerts, fooling the audience into believing the diva had arrived, leaving Miss Ross and her security team infuriated."

Infuriated indeed!

"I'm coming out... I want the world to know...."

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Pat McGee Band

Color me excited!!! I was in Tower records today and discovered that one of my FAVORITE bands (who know one has heard of) has a new album out!!! Yippppppeeee! I bought it, I'm listening to it now.. it's fantastic, of course! Check them out:
Pat McGee Band

Saturday, May 08, 2004

God what a month...

I have a good excuse this time. I really do. My grandmother fell ill and was hospitalized for two weeks. I spent 6 days staying in a hospital waiting room helping my family make the decision to remove her from dialysis and cease all aggressive life-extending measures that were keeping her alive. She passed away on April 12, which is also my brother's birthday.

I spent the next week dealing with even worse family drama involving her belongings, and the house that she had lived in for forty years.

I'm not ready to write about her, and the things that I would really like to commit to print, but I will soon.

I did get the chance to reconnect with my cousins who are all grown up now... it's amazing, I still picture them as the little kids that they were when we ran around my grandma's at Christmas... but they're not, and they were pretty accepting and perhaps even a bit in awe of me and my California ways.

All these events put a stop to my efforts to buy a house, and start my own business. Now that I am back in town I am trying to get that momentum going again. In the meantime, my house is now full of boxes and boxes of collectibles, antiques and other random stuff that I have agreed to sell on EBay to try and help defray the hospital and funeral expenses that my family will be stuck with. If you have a moment, you might drop over to my EBay seller's page and see if there's anything there you can't live with out and could drop a few bucks on to help us out. You can see a list of all my current auctions here.

Oh yeah.. forgot to mention that I got laid off... well I may have mentioned that my last day was going to be June 1, but they decided that since I had no job description and no duties to perform that I could take the last month off with pay. Not that I'm complaining, but I'm really struggling to figure out where to go and what to do next. I always seem to land on my feet, but the days leading up to those decisions are the absolute worse.

All in all, April was awful, stressful, and outside of the ONE night that I got to visit with some friends while back in Kansas City, and getting to visit with my cousins, it was devoid of anything remotely fun.

All for now... but hopefully I'll get back in to the swing of things now that I'm off work.