From Yahoo News:
In a San Francisco auditorium crowded with hundreds of GLBT supporters, California Gov. Gray Davis signed a landmark law on Friday night that gives same-sex domestic partners nearly all of the rights and responsibilities granted to married couples in the state.
The new law makes California the second state in the United States, behind Vermont, to grant such legal recognition to same-sex couples.
Some of the new rights and responsibilities to be granted domestic partners in California include child custody and child and spousal support obligations, the right to make funeral arrangements, community property and spousal support, access to family court, parenthood presumptions, state court testimonial privileges, access to married student housing and mutual responsibility for debts.
The law applies only to state-level rights, not the nearly 1,000 federal protections that go along with civil marriage.
Approximately 400 people who were eager to witness history crowded into a hot auditorium at the San Francisco Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Community Center for the ceremony.
Standing onstage before a huge rainbow flag, openly gay state Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, opened the event by remarking on the sexual and racial diversity of the crowd. "You look like George Bush's worst nightmare," he said.
He then introduced Gov. Davis as "one of the greatest heroes to this community we have ever known."
Once Davis took the stage, the signing ceremony turned into a bit of a love fest for the governor, who is facing a recall. The crowd gave Davis an extended ovation and chanted, "Three more years," signaling their opposition to the recall election, which is scheduled for next month. Gov. Davis was elected to a second term last November.
Davis spoke briefly about his support of the domestic partner legislation and reviewed his pro-gay record as governor.
"We are at our best when we respect every Californian, no matter who they are or who they love," he said.
Gov. Davis signed the sweeping bill, known as AB 205, while sharing the stage with several gay and lesbian politicians, including the bill's author, Assemblywoman Jackie Goldberg, D-Los Angeles.
Several GLBT groups hailed the new law's impact, which extends beyond the more than 20,000 registered domestic partnerships in California.
"Gov. Davis and the people of California are sending a clear message that they support family values for all families," said Geoffrey Kors, executive director of Equality California, the statewide GLBT civil rights advocacy group that sponsored AB 205.
"This is a historic day, not only for same-sex couples in California, but for every human being committed to a society that strengthens and supports families," Kate Kendell, executive director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, said in a statement. "For decades, LGBT people have struggled to protect our relationships and our children from the devastating impact of legal discrimination. Today, the state of California has taken the long overdue step of changing the law to support, rather than harm, our families."
What can I say? It's about time. Now the Federal Government needs to wake up and get their head out of their collective asses. We are taxpayers, voters, and citizens. We deserve the same opportunities and liberties as everyone else under the protection of our constitution. I'm tired of people screaming about 'special rights.' It is not a special right to not be harrassed, or fired without cause, or left without any protection when our partners die.
Thank you Governor Davis.