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The Daily Blog

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Searching for....

So I got curious this evening/morning and decided to look at the stats for my blogger page. Here's something funny: My page gets accessed fairly often (even though no one bothers to comment or ever drop me an email *sigh*) by people with some unusual search terms. Seems I show up on the first page of a google search for "benadryl sedate cat" apparently because of my story of the unfortunate incident with Zipper and the bonecrusher garbage disposal.

Incidentally, for everyone who finds this post due to that search:

Yes, you can sedate a cat with benadryl. I have done it several times. You too will learn if you ever decide to drive cross-country with a very unhappy cat in a carrier. At any rate... You can safely give a cat weighing over 8 pounds a standard 50mg pill (the kind you can buy OTC). It will make the cat VERY sleepy. If you're worried about it, you can give a smaller dosage by breaking the capsule open and mixing the contents with some wet cat food or tuna.

Be aware, though, that the taste is really nasty and will likely cause the foaming that I mentioned in the referenced story. It's just the cat's way of trying to get that nasty taste out of her mouth. She can't really pick up a toothbrush or use an altoid, can she?

I wouldn't recommend giving benadryl to any cat under 8 pounds with out consulting your vet. As a matter of fact, since I'm not a vet, I don't recommend giving anything to your cat without a vet's ok. I'm only speaking about my own personal experience.

To round off the point I was making about the searches that lead people to my page... They apparently like to look for things associated with Wil Wheaton. He's got a great page that you can check out by clicking on his name, or you can check out the page on my website that has that great picture of the two of us at a radio promotion I was attending with Tiffany.


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