Sea Turtle Restoration Project and Chabot Space & Science Center Events
Nothing like some shameless self-promotion!
For more information please visit:,, and
Join Uncommon Cafe for a weekend full of events at the Chabot Space & Science Center:
Thursday, October 27, 2005 — Mars Lecture and Telescope Viewing 7PM-10PM
Friday, October 28, 2005 — Lunar Lounge Express 7PM-Midnight
Saturday, October 29, 2005 — Mars Mania Family Costume Party 8PM-Midnight
Sunday, October 30, 2005 — Mars Viewing 8PM-11PM
Uncommon Cafe will be on hand serving fresh and delicious dark-roasted coffees, pastries, and other goodies!
Visit or stop by the cafe for more information!
The new documentary “Last Journey for the Leatherback?” by the Emmy award-winning documentary filmmaker Stan Minasian (dir. “The Last Days of the Dolphins?,” “The Free Willy Story: Keiko’s Journey Home”) will be screened at Uncommon Café in Berkeley, California on October 27th at 6PM with an encore showing at 7:30PM.
From the press release:
“Sea turtles are really symbolic of what’s happening to the oceans as a whole. As go sea turtles, so go, will go, the ocean,” explains Dr. Earle, a National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence, in the stunning natural duotone opening sequence of the film as dozens of newly hatched leatherback sea turtles crawl to the water under the moonlight.
Scientists predict that the giant Pacific leatherback sea turtle, which has survived unchanged for over 100 million years, could vanish in the next 5 to 30 years, if current threats from wasteful industrial longline fishing are not curtailed. The female nesting population of leatherback sea turtles in the Pacific Ocean has collapsed by 95 per cent in the past 20 years. The leatherback is the largest sea turtle, measuring nine feet from head to tail with the largest ever recorded tipping the scales at 2,000 lbs.
Last Journey for the Leatherback? is a hard hitting documentary that combines science, activism and rare footage of endangered sea turtles, to tell the gripping story of sea turtles, the new icon of the ocean environmental movement. Sea turtles are quickly reaching the status of dolphins and whales and conservationists are becoming increasingly alarmed and active in their fight to save these gentle giants, and to stop the wide-spread impacts on the world’s ocean ecosystems. After the premiere Last Journey for the Leatherback? will move to the festival circuit and eventual broadcast on the Caribbean Broadcast Union, Link TV (US, DirectTV and Dish Network, and PBS (US).
Uncommon Café is located at 2813 Seventh Street in Berkeley, and features organic, locally grown ingredients in their breakfast and lunch menu, as well as fine Fair Trade and Organic coffees roasted on site. This event is a great opportunity to visit Uncommon Café and experience the freshest cup of coffee in the bay area! A portion of the evening’s proceeds will be donated to the Sea Turtle Restoration Project.
For more information please visit:,, and
Join Uncommon Cafe for a weekend full of events at the Chabot Space & Science Center:
Thursday, October 27, 2005 — Mars Lecture and Telescope Viewing 7PM-10PM
Is there life on Mars? Just how close is 43 million miles? Hear about the Red planet and see what the Mars Exploration Rovers have discovered and then go out to the Observatory Deck and view Mars through Chabot’s telescopes.
Friday, October 28, 2005 — Lunar Lounge Express 7PM-Midnight
Price of entry includes:
* Full Access to Chabot Space & Science Center
* Interactive Exhibits, Telescopes (weather permitting)
* SonicVision Alternative Music show
Saturday, October 29, 2005 — Mars Mania Family Costume Party 8PM-Midnight
Party like a Martian, come in costume and celebrate the return of Mars. If you missed it in 2003, now is your chance! Mars will be much more visible - brighter and higher in the sky, like a bright red marble. The evening includes spooky science experiments, a visit with the AstroWizard, Halloween planetarium show, Mars Encounter exhibit, scavenger hunts, prizes, telescope viewing and more!
Sunday, October 30, 2005 — Mars Viewing 8PM-11PM
Weather permitting, view the Red Planet through Chabot’s telescopes. Cost is $5, which is for telescope viewing only. The main Science Center will not be open.
Uncommon Cafe will be on hand serving fresh and delicious dark-roasted coffees, pastries, and other goodies!
Visit or stop by the cafe for more information!
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You got a great thing going... by friend.
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Keep up your effort ~ and good job.
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have a fantastic day..
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good day ~~~
Anonymous, at 9:42 AM
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