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The Daily Blog

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Things I Learned on Our First Day in Cancun

Correo seguro, verificado por Xtreme Solutions del Caribe, SA de CV.

1. UncleMonkeyBoi gets very cranky when forced to go 12 hours without
a cigarette.
2. A screaming kid will always stop screaming just in time for the
final descent.
3. A screaming kid is not only effective birth control, it is also
quite likely a leading cause of alcoholism.
4. Having a Manhattan at 6:30AM will not kill you. It will in fact,
make you drunk.
5. Being drunk on an airplane is not as much fun as you might think.
6. Taxi drivers are the same everywhere. Crazy.
7. It pays to request early check in... our room was ready and a
lobby full of people had to wait for theirs.
8. A lobby full of tourists is loud.
9. Spray on sunscreen is good in theory.
10. Spray on sunscreen reality: it leaves you with a blotchy sunburn.
11. Jimmy Buffett is a smart man. He makes shitty food, but his
restaurants are everywhere I want to go.
12. Not having internet access in your hotel room sucks.


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